Archives for category: Design


UK-based artist Jane Perkins obtains her inspiration in found objects. She uses anything from toys, shells, buttons, beads, jewelry etc. as material for her re-interpreted contemporary art. Inspired by impressionist artist and famous portraits, Perkins achieves a mesmerizing effect in her creations. Her work keeps your eyes attached from a distance view and a close-up as well with so many interesting small pieces perfectly arranged to masterpieces.

Thanks to Chris Terrell for today’s fodder. Read the rest of this entry »

MehmetGozetlikHeaderWith his latest series, designer Mehmet Gozetlik raises the question “what would happen if you took iconic brands and minimized the details on their packaging to their absolute minimum?” In many cases, the experiment elevated the brand, bringing a simple and elegant feel to the product. While a few explorations seem to work on the generic product level, most work best at the 3rd level of distillation, where the logo alone functions on a colored field with a particular shape

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MichaelAllenHeaderNew York City-based graphic designer and facial hair enthusiast Michael Allen has brilliantly created a new font using his own facial hair as inspiration. The Alpha Beard series includes punctuation in addition to bold and medium variations, each formed from the thickness and thinness of the stubble. Many of good beards for sacrificed in the name of typography.  Read the rest of this entry »

JoshCooleyHeaderJosh Cooley, a story supervisor at Pixar Animation Studios, best known for his work on  UpRatatouille and Cars, has recently tried his hand at more adult subject matter. While we might still be many years away from Pixar’s take on Silence of the Lambs, Conley has applied the same kid friendly animation style to some iconic scenes from classic R-rated movies. Read the rest of this entry »


NathalieKoziuscot-MorizetHeaderParis mayoral candidate Nathalie Koziuscot-Morizet has made quite a stir with her plans to revive old and abandoned Parisian metro stations. Not only would Koziuscot-Morizet be the first female to ever hold the title of mayor in the capital, but she’d also be the first to reclaim Paris’ abandoned stations. Sketches have already been released of what her plans are for the rundown train stations, with a theatre, swimming pool, restaurant, and art gallery among some of the ideas presented to the public.  Read the rest of this entry »


Mexico based art director and illustrator John Raya took the 32 teams in the NFL and mixed them up with characters from the Star Wars universe to come up with a football league from a galaxy far, far away. Raya makes a fantastic effort to maintain each team’s color scheme and basic visual identity. You can see the rest of the amazing designs on is Behance page–AFC and NFC. Read the rest of this entry »


Hungarian singer Boggie has created a music video in which she is digitally retouched from normal girl into glamorous pop star. Through a combination of CGI trickery and seamless editing, the video for “Nouveau Parfum” is so attention grabbing, it’s hard to look away. The on-screen effects come in such subtle doses that it doesn’t draw attention away from the song.


Old Spice has reenlisted former Old Spice Guy Isaiah Mustafa for Interneterventions, the new online initiative pushing the brand’s body sprays. The campaign is built around nine bogus websites that advertise gawdy, faux-manly products and services—like black leather sheets, a live-in gym and a solid gold bluetooth—and Mustafa’s over-the-top disdain for all of them, and anyone who would be sucked in by them.

Users can send the sites to friends as a prank (via Twitter, Facebook or email), and when they try to click around, a warning buzzer sounds and Mustafa appears to offer help for poor lifestyle choices.

OSI-BargainTattoo OSI-BrodosOSI-LeatherSheetsOSI-NeckWorkoutOSI-ProteinCologneOSI-MuscleShirtOSI-SoulPatchPowderOSI-SprayTanPartiesOSI-GoldHeadset

MeghanColemanHeaderOhio-born graphic designer Meghan Coleman loves a good challenge. Last September, she began her most recent endeavor, 365 Days of Balloons, a Tumblr blog dedicated to creating one colorful twisted object each day for a whole year. Now on day 107, her balloons have become wildly popular all over the internet. The cute and quirky objects themselves range in size and difficulty — from college mascots to a 5′ tall Christmass tree, complete with presents.

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ChinoOtsukaHeaderJapanese London-based photographer Chino Otsuka has created a series of nostalgic and heartwarming photos that combine two different worlds–the past and the present. In “Imagine Finding Me,” Chino digitally inserts herself into old photos, so that she is standing next to her younger self. The concept is simple and her digital manipulation of the photos is done so well it makes it seem she is a time traveler.

Thanks to Kelly Keirn for today’s fodder.

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